Friday 2 December 2016

Japan. Magical facts… 

… sitting in the hotel restaurant after performing for its guests and workers and realizing that the waitress sat down on her knees in order to be on the same level with us, to hear us better, to make our even short communication more comfortable… 

But why??? 

     Managers, even project managers who work for the large international company in Tokyo come to the Awaji Island before realizing their new projects and work there as ordinary staff: waiters, drivers, leaflet-givers etc. Just to become closer to people who live in that region, to learn better their culture and mentality.
The most important detail: they feel absolutely normal. They go, work and feel happy. Without saying that they are too "high" and such kind of work is not for them…

     These very managers who are organizers of the project  take away all the garbage left in changing rooms by their artists: they do not ask artists to come back and do it. They do it quietly by themselves. Yes, their main workplace is still Tokyo international company. :) 

P.S. From this very theme: the wife of the hotel-chain owner works in one of these hotels as a receptionist: she helps her husband in their family business. And that is the main sense. 

     Situation with garbage is also unusual: there are practically no garbage bins outside (in parks, on the streets, in shopping malls etc.) – comparing with Europe, where they can be found around every corner (for people’s comfort and outside cleanliness at the same time). Here people will not throw garbage away at all. Just will not. Speaking about garbage bins – they are not the best decoration of parks, are they? :) 

     People rent kimonos in the special rent-service places or wear their owns and then walk throughout the city in the usual working day … Just because it is their tradition, their culture and of course it looks really nice!

     The last and the best: here it is possible to rent not only kimono, but also an electric car. But in this situation the most important detail is that it is for free. Just for people to have the possibility to try this kind of service.

P.S. Japan changes people. Forever. Me too...